A Prayer to St. Joseph, Defender of Life
Dearest St. Joseph, at the word of an angel,
you lovingly took Mary into your home.
As God’s humble servant,
you guided the Holy Family
on the road to Bethlehem,
welcomed Jesus as your own son
in the shelter of a manger,
and fled far from your homeland
for the safety of both Mother and Child.
We praise God that as their faithful protector,
you never hesitated to sacrifice
for those entrusted to you.
May your example inspire us also
to welcome, cherish, and safeguard
God’s most precious gift of life.
Help us to faithfully commit ourselves
to the service and defense of human life
—especially where it is
vulnerable or threatened.
Obtain for us the grace to do the will of God in all things.
Copyright © 2021, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops,
Washington, D.C. All rights reserved
February 14 to March 24
More than 24,000 unborn children have been saved from abortion during 40 Days for Life campaigns.
We stand prayerfully & peacefully at the entrance of the Pascack Plaza Mall near the Perlman Drive Planned Parenthood. It is located just off Route 59, Spring Valley.
Call Eileen Peterson to sign up or for more information: 845 492-6709.
If a friend confided in you that she had an abortion, would you be able to listen and respond in a way that brings her closer to forgiveness and healing? Learn how in How to Talk to a Friend Who’s Had an Abortion.
Every human person is created out of love by God, made in His Image and Likeness, and is destined to live forever. Out of awareness of the profound reverence due to every person and a great desire to draw each one closer to Christ, we provide support to build and promote a culture of life and advocate for the most vulnerable.