Today begins a weeklong celebration of one of the great jewels of the Catholic Church in America, and our parish as well, our Catholic Schools. Many of us are products of Catholic education; many of you are alumni of St. Margaret’s School. What started out on that September day in 1953, with only 8 classrooms and a gym, has flourished through the years. Sr. Mary Blanche, O.P., the first Principal, along with Msgr. Toner welcomed the new students on that day. They saw the school swell with students, so much so that six years later, 8 more classrooms were added along with the cafeteria.
We all can be very proud of SMS and what it still contributes to our parish and community. Our present school under the wonderful leadership of Mrs. Maldonado and the very dedicated faculty and staff, love the children, and it shows. We are truly a Catholic school with daily prayers and Masses and confessions throughout the year, academics are the tops, and community outreach is very important and stressed by the faculty. Our school parents who sacrifice much to send their children to our school work tirelessly to make our school, welcoming to all and a fun place to be.
Each day this week the school will celebrate a different theme: Faith and Family, Community, Nation, Students, Vocations, and the School Family. Each of these days there are spiritual, academic as well as fun activities for all.
We have to keep our Catholic schools alive and prospering. In days past, every parish had their own school, sometimes, the school was built even before the parish church, or the Church occupied the first floor, while the rest of the building was classrooms. It was so important then to teach the Faith, and in many ways more so today. It is not news that our Catholic school system is struggling. Here in Rockland, there are only three schools left: St. Gregory in Garnerville, St. Anthony-St Paul in Nanuet, Congers and St. Margaret’s. We are blessed with all strong schools, we all could be stronger, but we are doing well.
A Catholic education is unlike any other learning experience. It is rooted in Jesus Christ. In every aspect of school life and activities, Catholic schools foster a personal relationship with our Lord and a witness to the Gospel of love of God and neighbor and charity to the world.
Catholic Schools educate the whole child: spiritual, physical, mental and social. The primary goal of a Catholic education is to prepare children for salvation. Students learn what God wants most is for them to become saints, to live with Him forever in Heaven; giving glory to God for all their gifts and talents. We focus our energies on knowing, loving and serving God in this world, so as to be happy with Him in the next. That is what life is about, that is why Catholic schools exist. Children in Catholic Schools are not only called to be high academic achievers, they are also called to be loving disciples of our Lord.
Moral conduct is built into the very fabric of school culture. Following the example of our Lord, students are required to model Christian behavior by honoring the dignity and worth of each individual. We encourage the expression of faith in word, thought and deed. We give our students the tools they need to shape their futures and to become God’s gift to the world.
If you wish to sponsor a student, or help with tuition, or simply make a donation to St. Margaret’s School, please call Mrs. Maldonado at 845.735.2855.
May God’s love and favor continue to be with St. Margaret’s School.