One has to love the Catholic religion; there is no other religion like it, it’s the best! It is so realistic, very down to earth, very human, very physical. Last Tuesday, Jan 14th was a feast celebrated during the medieval times (11th to 15th century) especially in France. It was a day of parades, a special Mass, and joyful gatherings. What was the feast? Festum Asinorum (Latin, plural) Feast of the Ass (asses). No, not that type, rather donkeys.
The Feast of the Donkey was celebrated in honor of the humble donkey that carried Mary into Egypt after the birth of Jesus. It also celebrated the role the donkey played in Salvation history. In our culture, donkeys are often considered to be a stupid animal and are commonly the pun of many jokes. When people are made fun of, they are sometimes compared to a donkey as an insult. The donkey, however, has a higher purpose with God.
We know of course the donkey and ox that are a part of the manger scene; the donkey represented the pagans, while the ox represented the Jewish people. In scripture, we find that King David, King Solomon, all the prophets riding upon a donkey, the story of Balaam and a talking donkey. We see that the Angel appeared to only the donkey, it was the jawbone of a donkey that Samson slayed 1,000 Philistines. The donkey carried Mary to Bethlehem and into Egypt and back to Nazareth, and of course the donkey that carried our Lord into Jerusalem to begin His Passion and death. One of the most fascinating things is that the donkey is the only animal in the world that has a dorsal and a shoulder stripe, which forms a cross on its back.
At the Mass a special Introit was said: From the Eastern lands the Ass is come, beautiful and very brave, well fitted to bear burdens. Up! Sir Ass, and sing. Open your pretty mouth. Hay will be yours in plenty, and oats in abundance. The most beautiful girl in the village carrying a baby rode on a donkey in a procession throughout the village to the church. The donkey, sometimes wooden, was seated to the right of the altar and arrayed with fine jewelry and draped in fine linens. During the Mass instead of saying “Amen” the people would bray like a donkey. At the end of Mass, the donkey was once again involved. Instead of the priest saying Go, the Mass is ended, the priest would bray three times. The Faithful, instead of saying the traditional Thanks be to God would instead “hee-haw” three times. Towards the end of the 15th century, the Feast of the Ass gradually lost its identity and fell out of favor. Who said that the Middle Ages were dark and dreary?
Tomorrow at Noon, our country will have a new president. Let us pray for him, the new administration, and our country:
We pray O God of might, wisdom and justice, through whom authority is rightly administered, laws are enacted, and judgment decreed, assist with your Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude the president of these United States, that his administration may be conducted in righteousness and be eminently useful to your people over whom he presides; by encouraging due respect for virtue and religion; by a faithful execution of the laws in justice and mercy; and by restraining vice and immorality. Amen
Archbishop John Carroll of Baltimore, Maryland, the first bishop of the United States wrote this prayer.