Today is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary; her birthday is on September 8th, however, the Sundays of Advent must be celebrated, no other feast can take its place. So, Mary’s Feast is transferred to tomorrow. It is a Holyday of Obligation; all Catholics must attend Mass tomorrow. Masses will be offered at 7AM, 9AM, 12 Noon and the 5:30 PM Mass for our Public School students, families and parishioners.
There are two feasts Catholics are always obliged to go to Mass no matter what day they occur: Christmas and the Immaculate Conception because it is our patronal feast of the United States.
As often as it is explained Catholics in our country are still uncertain as to the holy days of obligation. In the U.S., there are six holy days of obligation: Mary Mother of God, Jan. 1; Ascension Thursday; Assumption, Aug. 15; All Saints’ Day, Nov. 1; Immaculate Conception of Mary, Dec. 8; and Christmas.
On three of the feasts — Jan. 1, Aug. 15 and Nov. 1 — when the feast day occurs on a Saturday or a Monday the obligation to attend Mass is lifted. Yes, I know it’s confusing and wished the bishops would leave good enough alone!
I want to thank you, the generous parishioners who donated over 105 bags of food to our Parish Food Drive for Thanksgiving. Our School also gave over 35 bags. I also want to thank the generosity of the Elks who donated 45 turkeys. To Pat and Peggy Mulligan, Mary Ellen and Kevin Flanagan, Ken Cully and the student helpers who organized and help pack the vans going to Catholic Charities of Rockland.
Every month, you give food, toiletries and money to feed the poor here in Pearl River and Rockland County. We send food to St. Aedan’s food pantry, Catholic Charities in Rockland and a few other places in town. Reminder: Giving Tree gifts are due today. God will bless your goodness.
Next Sunday, is Gaudete Sunday, a day to rejoice in anticipation for the coming of Christ at Christmas. As we begin to change our focus from the Second Coming of Christ to His First at Christmas, our parish will once again this year, have Lessons and Carols. There are 9 short readings from Sacred Scripture detailing Salvation History, from the Fall of Adam and Eve through the Prophets to the wonderful plan of salvation by our God. He came to save us as one of our own. After each of the readings, we will sing a Christmas Carol or hear our wonderful choir of Adults and Children sing beautiful Christmas motets. It helps us prepare for Christmas. I encourage you to attend, and bring the children. After the Lessons and Carols, we will go down to Toner Hall and celebrate with Wine and Cheese and soft drinks. It brings us together as a parish family to rejoice in the Christmas Season. I hope you make an effort to attend.