July is named after Julius Caesar, and the month of his birth. It is also the most popular month for vacations. 42% of Americans travel during this month. Of all the places to go for vacation, most Americans (180 million) make over 6 billion visits to the beach and water each year. What is it that draws us to water?
Standing at the shore’s edge watching the waves seeing the blue sky and water, leaves a sensation of peace, tranquility, and happiness for most people. The combination of the sun, water, and salt air with the ocean breezes makes one feel refreshed, and renewed. The ocean has always been a remedy for relieving tension, stress, and anxiety. Since the 18th Century, people have been going to the beach for all sorts of reasons, including medicinal.
And while many of us can go on and on about why we love the ocean, there’s a perfectly good scientific explanation as to why that is.
Scientists think that we all have a “blue mind” that is a mildly meditative state characterized by calm, peacefulness, unity, and a sense of general happiness and satisfaction with life in the moment. This blue mind is triggered when we are in or near water.
Our brains are hardwired to react positively to water and that being near it can calm and connect us and even heal what’s broken. In addition to this state of meditation the ocean induces feelings of awe. Seeing the ocean stretch out far into the horizon triggers a sudden awareness of the vastness of the universe. With over 70% of the earth’s surface and more than two-thirds of the human body consisting of water, being confronted with the deep blue cannot help but elicit a heightened sense of the presence of God. It is when we stand on the shore and see the power of the ocean, and how far and wide and deep, and then realize who are we, that God made us even greater. Water is the source of life tying all forms of living things together, and it is only natural for us to be filled with reverence when returning to the origin of all life - God Himself. We have a connection and a love for water; perhaps it’s because we all started out in water for the first 9 months of our existence.
So whatever your summer plans may be, make sure some of the time is spent near water and connect, once again, to the majesty of God, and realize as vast as the sea is, His love for you is even greater!
And don’t forget to get to Church on Sundays and receive Holy Communion and thank God for the beauty of nature, God’s handiwork. Remember leisure and vacation should give us more time to pray and reflect, not less.
So, if you are one of the 143,553,769 Americans vacationing this month, I suggest get to the beach early! Enjoy your vacation and your family.
Shut down the laptops, and don’t answer the phone!