A word of warning and preparation: a month from today will be a day of confusion for Catholic couples. What to do?
Ash Wednesday, which is a day of strict fast and abstinence from meat, is Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day!! If you need an excuse... no fancy dinners, no filet mignon, no box of chocolates, not even flowers are allowed. Either do it Feb. 13th, or wait until the weekend. Good luck to the couples. Valentine’s Day is never a problem for me!!
The following is a synopsis of the financial report for the past fiscal year; the full report goes on for pages. The following is the major sources of income and expenses.
We have a surplus this past year. Thank you for your most generous response to your parish’s needs.
Fiscal Year 2022-2023 September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2023
INCOME Total Income: 1,281,278
Regular Sunday Collections 649,469 (Including electronic giving) Holy Day Collections 17,876 Christmas 80,708 Easter 50,218 Sacramental donations 23,180 Donations and bequests 77,277 Interest and dividends 5,132
EXPENSE Total Expenses: 1,071,545
Salaries, Insurance, Medical 320,814 Gas and Electric 51,357 Water and Sewer 4,413 Buildings and Grounds 145,081 Repairs 15,263 Church expenses 52,291 Charitable Contributions 4,169 Office Expenses 55,745 Real estate taxes 12,702 Property General Insurance 31,250 Archdiocese Tax 134,275