We welcome to our parish for the summer, from July 10th to August 21st. Fr. Suhanthan Pathinathan, from the Diocese of Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. Father was ordained in 2013. Father is presently studying Dogmatic Theology in Rome at the Roman Pontifical Urban University. This is the first time Father is visiting America.
I know you will make Father feel welcome, because we are the friendly parish in the friendly town!
Every season the year has its special advantage and unique beauty. I think we are blessed to experience all four seasons here in the northeast. The summer solstice just happened on June 21st. Summer time is God’s special invitation to slow down. Longer, lazier days invite us to spend more time outdoors, living easier, loving nature and perhaps our spiritual side in a more meaningful way. Rockland offers so much natural beauty, from Hook Mountain, the trails along the Hudson, Bear Mountain, the lakes etc. driving along the “river towns.” I encourage you to get out and enjoy what God has given us.
I know for some, it can be difficult to slow down and change our hectic ways. We are so used to moving about and multi-tasking, but the heat of the summer seems to say to us, you have to slow down and enjoy life, enjoy your family.
Relax and enjoy your vacation, check your emails only once a day, no working, and don’t answer that phone! My first vacation as a priest, my pastor gave me the best advice for vacation. He told me the first thing you do while on vacation, “Put away your watch, eat when you’re hungry, drink when you’re dry, sleep when you’re tired and wake up naturally. Don’t worry about tomorrow, just today” I still try to live in that vacation mood.
So instead of multi-tasking, just do one thing at a time: one thought, one action at a time, take in more scenery and enjoy your family, especially the kids, and grandkids, the younger the better. Even in the midst of chaos, be still, be content and just be. Remember leisure is the availability to be spiritual. So keep praying. Go to Mass, and dress appropriately when you go.