Reverend Eric P. Raaser Church of Saint Margaret of Antioch
10 June 2020
Dear Parishioners,
The news came fast and totally by surprise, but wonderfully received.
As of 5:08 PM yesterday, we received news that Sunday Mass will resume this weekend! Thanks be to God! What a fitting Sunday to resume Public Mass: The Solemnity of Corpus Christi (The Body and Blood of Jesus). Our regular Mass schedule: 4:30 PM; 5:45 PM Saturday; 7:30 AM, 9:00AM; 10:30 AM; Noon and 5:30 PM.
Attending Mass is still optional; the Sunday obligation is still suspended. We will live stream the 10:30 AM Mass, for those who cannot attend Mass. So, if you are at a greater risk for the Covid19 virus (elderly, other health pre-conditions), please for your sake stay home and watch us or Mass on TV, praying the Act of Spiritual Communion.
Please note the following if attending Mass in person:
Face covering is a must.
Hand sanitizer is available, or use your own.
There is no holy water available.
The Upper Church can accommodate only 62 people and is divided into sections
There is a couple section-2 couples to a pew (upper right of the Church).
There is a family section as many as can fit! (lower right of the Church).
There is an individual section (entire left side of Church) that’s the happy side! 2 people to a pew.
The balcony is very limited seating 10 people.
Toner Hall can accommodate another 30 people.
The Church’s outdoor speakers will be turned on for those who wish to sit in the plaza, bring chairs or the benches keeping proper distance, or
Park and sit in your car along the street.
The restrooms are available only in case of a dire emergency.
There is no collection, that’s correct you read that right. As you leave Church a basket will be in the main aisle, please drop off your donation in the baskets as you leave or enter.
Holy Communion will be distributed by the priests only, follow the direction of the ushers and please keep a distance.
There is no sign of peace.
Leaving Mass, please leave from the back of the church to front, and please go directly to your cars, no socializing on the plaza.
In between the Masses, the Church and restrooms will be disinfected.
Other Things.
Friday, June 19th is Reconciliation Friday, from 10:00 AM-Noon and again 4:00-6:00 PM, we will offer the Sacrament of Penance for those who wish to receive Confession.
We are also recruiting people who may want to usher and help with the Masses. If interested, please call me, 845-735-4746.
This is all new territory; if you have suggestions to make things run more smoothly, please call me. We are just so thankful to be back together again, please let us keep each other in our prayers.