We will begin on Monday!! What started 5 years ago with the Renew and Rebuild Capital Campaign, which we raised 1.3 million dollars as a parish will come to its completion. On Monday, August 1st, we will start with our last project: beautifying our parish church, God’s House.
On Sunday after the 5:30PM Mass, the upper church will be closed for approximately two months for painting and the renovations. Starting on Monday, August 1st the Daily, Sunday Masses and confessions will be held downstairs in the Lower Church (Toner Hall). You can access the Lower Church, via the elevator, the stairwell or by the doors on Summit Avenue. The lower church will be opened each day from 6:00AM until 7:00PM for visits to the Blessed Sacrament, private prayers etc. Baptisms will continue to take place in the Lower Church each Sunday. I made arrangements with our neighbor, Msgr. Nevin and St. Aedan’s Church to hold our funerals there. Unfortunately, a casket cannot be brought safely down to the Lower Church.
I know from prior experience that it will be different downstairs; it will be inconvenient at times. It will take time to feel comfortable and to work out the kinks with the new procedures. We will try to keep everything the same as we did upstairs. Those of you who have had renovations done in your house know the experience, but in the end it will be worth it all. I ask you please be patient.
Photos will be taken and posted on our website to show the progress. The first thing to be done will be the removal of the pews. The original 1930’s pews are solid oak, and well constructed, and will be kept. The pews will be taken to the company’s workshop where they will be refinished, new types of kneelers will be installed and a new type of cushion will be attached to the pews. The kneelers will be lighter and more comfortable on the knees! This will take the longest time.
Once the pews are removed, then the floor will be done. The carpet will be removed from the church (except in the choir loft, stairs and vestibule), a new floor of Portuguese tile will be installed, a new wooden floor will be installed in the sanctuary. All the wood will match the walnut wood in the sanctuary. The top platform in the sanctuary will be removed; there will be only one level in the sanctuary. This will eliminate a tripping hazard. The Tabernacle will be moved to the center of the Church, with a newly constructed wooden pedestal. The walls will be painted with a new color scheme and the wooden ceiling will be cleaned. The ceiling and all the beams were hand painted by a parishioner; Mr. Robert Muller. Mr. Muller was a parishioner here for over 38 years. He lived a few houses down from the Church on Central Ave. At night and weekends, he would come to the Church and paint the ceiling. He gave us a beautiful gift.
There will be a few extra surprises that you will have to wait and see! I ask you; please don’t go into the upper church while the work is taking place simply for safety reasons.
So we pray to St. Joseph, the Patron of workers, and our Patroness, St. Margaret that all will go well. We will be on schedule and on budget!!