I would like to keep you updated on the work that is being done around the parish buildings.
During the summer, our school building was cleaned and sanitized; all the desks and tables were placed back into the classrooms. The gym can now be used as a gym and Toner Hall can, once again, be used for gatherings and meetings.
Toner Hall, the stage, hallways and bathrooms were all re-painted, and the floor was cleaned and polished. The drapes were cleaned and certified for fire prevention.
We just finished painting the exterior wood trim work on the Church, even around the bell tower. We now have a two tone pattern of soft white on the Rectory, entrance to the Doyle Center and the Church. The soft white trim complements the color of the brick and the limestone capping. Last year, the brick and limestone facade of the church was power-washed.
There was extensive landscaping done on the property, trimming back all the bushes and trees on the property and new plantings.
Another exciting project we will be starting in the next few months will be the illumination of the three stained glass windows on the western wall, the beautiful windows of Christ the King, St. Francis of Assisi and St. Patrick. We have contracted with Rohlf Studio in Mt. Vernon, a very reputable stained glass company to temporarily remove and restore the windows. A light panel will be placed behind the window to mimic daylight and the restored window replaced. The light panel will be made of LED lighting, which will last for many years. The windows were covered and cemented shut when they constructed the Doyle Center in 2009. Our stain glass windows are particularly beautiful. Many of our visitors immediately mention the beauty of the stained glass. The windows were made in Germany and put into the Church in 1930. The young women Saints on the east side (Our Lady, St. Kateri, St. Joan of Arc, St. Elizabeth of Hungry), and the male saints on the west side, with our Patroness, St. Margaret over the altar, and St. Agnes in the choir loft.
Finally, I am very confident that we can restore the interior of our Church this upcoming summer. I am hoping to close the upper Church in late June 2022, and have all our Masses in Toner Hall for the summer and reopen in September 2022.
This work will be done as part of our Renew + Rebuild Campaign. My hope for the Church will be a repainting of the walls, a new stone floor, a new Altar of Reposition with the original restored Tabernacle under the main windows of St. Margaret, a new enhanced Baptismal area in front of the Church, pews refinished and re-cushioned.
Due to this work, no weddings can be held in the Upper Church in July and August of 2022.
The Renew + Rebuild campaign money that has been collected so far is in a restricted account and has been invested with Archdiocese of New York gaining interest. Since we conducted the original Campaign, many new parishioners have joined the parish and may want to contribute to the Campaign. I will be sending you a letter soon!
I am now in the midst of contacting Church interior designers to bid on the project. I will keep you informed. As always, it is due to your generosity and love for your Church and parish, that enables us to do all the things that we need to do. So thank you, you make my administrative jobs so much easier.
We have a little less than a year to work out all the details. I will keep you informed!