Since the Day of the Lord’s Ascension until Pentecost (10 days), the Apostles gathered around our Blessed Lady in the Upper Room. It is no coincidence they waited in the Upper Room. This is the same upper room where the Lord’s Supper took place, where the Apostles were given the power of the Sacred Priesthood, where the memory of the Lord stooping low, washing their feet, it was also the place of betrayal with Judas leaving in the dark. It was the place of our Lord’s last words of instruction and of love to His Apostles, promising them that the Advocate, the Paraclete, the Comforter will come to them.
They prayed, they remembered, and they waited together for the Holy Spirit. Waiting can be lonely; however, waiting with others makes the time less lonely. Waiting with loved ones can be a blessing. It was a Community of believers waiting together. The Community or the Church holds us up when we’re too tired to wait alone or anymore.
Why did the Apostles have to wait for nine days? Perhaps it gave them the time they needed for the Lord to heal them, to prepare them for what was about to happen. During our life, there are times when God asks us to wait, so that He can forge in us what we need to fulfill His will. Time is needed to heal. When He heals us, He brings us to a fulfillment much greater than we have experienced before. And so we too must wait, remember and pray. Let these days be days of prayer, waiting for the same Holy Spirit of God to touch us, with the fire of His Love.
Happy Anniversary Last Friday May 14th, Fr. Clarke celebrated the Tenth Anniversary of his Ordination. We congratulate Father, and are grateful to God for calling him to the Sacred Priesthood, and grateful to Fr. Clarke for saying, “Yes —Here I am.” We are blessed to have Fr. Clarke with us at St. Margaret.
Ad multos annos! (=To many years!)
Work Around the Property Over the past few weeks, we have been doing some work around the property. We had to put a new roof on the garage, replace some slates that the winter’s winds blew off the Church, and some of the shingles on the Parish Center.
We also did electrical work. We upgraded and replaced the outdoor electric lights, particularly the three stained glass windows of St. Margaret. The windows can now be seen at night from inside the Church. We replaced with new LED spotlights the St. Agnes Rose Window, which is now illuminated, also new LED lights to light up the Angel overlooking Pearl River. We replaced two of the chandeliers in the choir loft, for better lighting and replaced some outdoor wiring as well. During the summer months, we hope to paint the trim woodwork of the Church, and some of the rooms in the Parish Center. Due to the number of weddings this summer, we have to put off doing the inside of the Church until next year. In the meantime, the money for Renew and Rebuild is secure and gaining a 6% interest rate from the Archdiocese.
Easter Collection Once again, I wish to thank all of you who contributed to the Easter Collection. It shows your love for your Church and Parish. Also I wish to thank you for your generosity to the India Collection. We collected $1600. The money will be distributed by CNEWA, (Catholic Near East Welfare Association) to the people of India.