This Wednesday is the Feast Day of SS. Joachim and Anne, the parents of Mary, our Blessed Mother and the grandparents of Our Lord. Since 2021, Pope Francis established the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. Our Holy Father wanted to underscore the dignity of the elderly and the key role of grandparents in transmitting the faith to future generations, and the anchor of family love and life.
In commemoration of the third World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, which is celebrated today, the bishops of America transferred this day to the Sunday after Labor Day in September. The Vatican has announced the offering of a plenary indulgence to Catholics who actively participate in the events organized by Pope Francis or engage in acts of charity towards the elderly. The indulgence is also extended to grandparents, the elderly themselves, and anyone motivated by penance and charity, as stated by the Vatican.
In the decree issued by the Apostolic Penitentiary, the plenary indulgence will be granted to grandparents, the elderly, and all faithful who attend Mass in various parts of the world.
The indulgence is subject to the usual conditions of sacramental Confession, reception of the Eucharist, and prayer for the intentions of the Holy Father.
A plenary indulgence offers remission of the temporal punishment due to sins already forgiven, which can be applied to oneself or to the souls in Purgatory.
The Apostolic Penitentiary extends the same Plenary Indulgence to those who dedicate significant time to visit—either in-person or by virtual means of communication—their elderly brothers and sisters who are in need or facing difficulties, such as the sick, abandoned, and those with disabilities.
The theme chosen by Pope Francis for this year's Grandparents' Day, derived from the Gospel of Luke, emphasizes the timeless nature of God's mercy: "His mercy is from age to age."
I‘ve always enjoyed talking with the elderly. Their wisdom, their insight, the calm always inspired me. I joke about wanting to get to that wonderful age when you can say whatever is on your mind, and not care!
Conversation between the generations is necessary. If there is no mixing together, then each generation remains isolated, rootless and cannot share the wisdom of living. A young person is blessed to be bonded to their grandparents. Talk to each other, ask your grandparents what was it like to grow up in their era, ask them for their advice before making a big decision, then quietly ask them what your parents were like when they were kids! And so we are thankful for our grandparents, and we pray:
O God, through the merits and prayers of SS. Joachim and Anne: Look with love on grandparents the world over. Protect them! They are a source of enrichment for families and for all of society. Support them! As they grow older.
May they continue to be for their families, strong pillars of Gospel faith, guardian of noble domestic ideals, living treasuries of sound religious traditions. Make them teachers of wisdom and courage that they may pass on to future generations the fruits of their mature human and spiritual experience. Help families and society to value the presence and roles of grandparents. May they never be ignored or excluded, but always encounter respect and love. Help them to live serenely and to feel welcomed in all the years of life, which You give them. Keep them constantly in Your care; accompany them on their earthly pilgrimage, and by Your prayers, grant that all families may one day be reunited in our heavenly homeland. Where You await all humanity for the great embrace of life without end.